Husband's last camping trip

Husband's last camping trip

Sunday, September 4, 2011

I'll take it!!

I didn't really have the pity party I wanted. Got so busy doing some heavy duty cleaning, I took it out on my kitchen floors, bathrooms and my home sparkles. It's really good therapy. I even had time to give myself a home pedicure!! I can't afford to get a professional one, so, I do it at home. May not look as fancy as some, but it looks OK to me.

We then went to church. Before we left, husband came to me and apologized for his bad behavior. I was stunned. I told him that I can only imagine what he is going through, but I am here for him, taking care of him, making sure he gets his meds, making Dr appointments, everything. He did seem sorry for what he put me through this past week. I know this phase will not last, but, I'll take it. For now.

At church, after singing, we were sitting down, and husband's legs gave out a big tremble. I looked up at him, he looked at me and sat down. I have never seen that before. Scared me at first. My thinking was he was going into a full blown seizure. It did stop, but left me a bit rattled.

Husband loves going to church. It was a good time to go. Left feeling re-fueled, ready for a new week.

Today I go to my support group. We meet the first sunday of each month. The founder of this group lives way up at the foothills. It's beautiful up there. You look out her windows, and there is the Sandia Mountains up against your face it seems. Today I will share with them the awful last two weeks. It's nice because some have been through it, they are the ones that nod their heads, some are just entering the "Just been diagnosed phase". With them, as they talk, I am one of those that nods her head. I remember the shock of realizing that I was right, he really did have the disease I had been researching for over a year. These meetings help me. I am not alone in this. Husband is the youngest to be stricken in my support group. They all were shocked when I told them his age.

On a lighter note, fall is coming, I can feel it in the air. Mornings are crisp now, but, by 2:00, it is hot. I can honestly say I am so over the heat. Enough. Soon, though, it will be cold.

Beginning a new week, a new month. Always new challenges. Today will be a good day. Husband has stabilized, my home is spotless, my feet look pretty good but, my mind is tired. My body is tired. These last few weeks have taken a toll on me. I have to go on, I have to be the strong one. Knowing this disease as I do, I will now get a breather. Husband will be OK for awhile. But, the next phase will come, soon enough. At least for now, I'll catch a break. I'll take it!!

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