Husband's last camping trip

Husband's last camping trip

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Alzheimer's Alphabet

I go next Wednesday to view the results of husband's MRI.  At my insistence.  We originally had been scheduled to see Dr A on July 15th.  I told them that I would not or could not wait that long to get the results.  I want to see the MRI for myself.  I've been doing my homework.  I now know what looks good and what doesn't look good.  When all is said and done, and the monster has taken his last bow, I think I shall become a Neurologist.

Husband has been in a constant state of delusions and hallucinations the entire week.  Some are actually funny, some, not so funny.  Just to name a few:

Guided him in the bathroom.  He told me he couldn't go in there.  I asked him why.  He said there were too many people in the bathtub.

Said he couldn't go to sleep the other night.  I asked him why.  Told me I was driving too fast and the dog was lost.

On his way to the bathroom, he was holding onto the bed.  He kept asking me how he gets down.  I told him he was down.  He looked at me, chuckled and said, "No, I'm on the roof, you are so silly(?) I need you to tell me how to get off this roof."

Like I said.  Just to name a few.

Husband's eyesight has me baffled.  I truly believe the optical part of the brain has been damaged.  The monster is moving like wild fire through his brain now.  A nurse at Dr A's office did not agree with me.  She said he might be having mini strokes, causing the eyesight to fail.  She also said something so funny that when I got off the phone, I laughed and cried all at the same time.

When we were discussing the brain damage to the eyes vs mini strokes, she said, "Mrs Lucero,  we are talking about the health and welfare of your husband."  Not missing a beat, I said, "You know, I know you are new to the practice (she was, her first week), but, if you look at my husband's history, he is terminal, with probably months left to live.  What health and welfare are we talking about?"

There was a pause, then she said, "Oh, I see here that he has Alzheimer's?  I'm sorry, I didn't know."  Given it was her first week, I told her it was OK, just look closer before you start handing out advice to someone like me, who can recite the entire Alzheimer's Alphabet.

Within a matter of minutes, she scheduled us to come in next Wednesday. 

I used to be so timid.  I used to never speak up for myself.  Even if I disagreed with someone, I never spoke my true feelings.  Didn't want to upset anyone.  Always went along with whatever anyone said.  Never, ever, would I cross someone.

Until, that is, Alzheimer's came into my life.

Not only has Alzheimer's changed husband's life, forever, it's changed mine.


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