Husband's last camping trip

Husband's last camping trip

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Traditions - Time will tell

So far this week, things have been OK. Husband has seemed more confused, but has accepted it. To me, it just doesn't feel like he is fighting it like he was. I don't know, could be my imagination, time will tell, I guess.

Our wonderful Dr at UNM personally called yesterday afternoon, just to see how we were doing. Dr Q left UNM in June to go to another medical associate. And, since we were denied for Medi-Caid, we could not follow him. He is such a neat Dr. He and I talked for about 30 minutes, talking about everything. I told him where husband was at now in this stage. He said he wasn't surprised at how things were progressing, said it would go faster now, now that the brain is dying. Funny how I can have this type of conversation with a Dr, about my husband, listening to him give me horrible statistics, nod my head and agree with him without crying. How is that possible?

Husband wants to talk about God and Heaven now. Whatever I am doing, I will sit down with him and open up the bible and try to find a passage. One that will make him feel better. Of course, I have to break down what it means to me, but make it in elementary form for husband to understand. Thinking about getting a Children's Bible. May be easier for him and me. He doesn't read anymore, can't, but at least I will be able to communicate through a more easier read. Anyone know of a good Children's Bible?

Summer is winding down. I'm happy. This heat has gotten to me. Fall is my favorite time of year, but with this Diagnosis last year, Fall seems kind of sad now. Just looking forward to crisp mornings, and the smell of Green Chille roasting in the market places. We have one nearby, and the smell is intoxicating.

We also go to Dixon's Apple Farm every fall. You pay a certin price, pick all the apples you want. These apples are organic and one of the best tasting apples. Also, they have this stand that you can buy all sorts of apple products. The best one by far is the apple fritter. They make them fresh to order. They are fresh from the fryer. Oh man, are those good. Only, this fall, we will not be going. After all the fires this summer, Dixon's Apple Farm burned down. All but a few trees survived. How sad for the owners, decendents of the original Mr Dixon, who started the farm from seeds.

Kind of like my "new" life now, heh? I now will make new traditions, traditions that won't involve husband. Jack will be entering the Air Force in June, 2012. No husband, no more kids at home. So, I have all year to find new traditions for me alone. What will I be like? What will I do? Time will tell, friends, time will tell.

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