Husband's last camping trip

Husband's last camping trip

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Remember last week when I wrote our address on a small card for husband?  Well, every night, he get's the card out and holds it in his hands and tries to, I think, memorize it.  He can't really read anything anymore, but, he brought out the card to me last night and had me read him our address.

Part of the name of our street is Pueblo.  He could not pronounce that.  I had to spell it out and say the name out loud several times for him to understand.  Still looking confused, he went back to the bedroom and held that damn card for at least another 1/2 hour.

It's the little things that are getting to me now.  Those little things we all take for granted.  Like reading.  Or, pronouncing words.

Marie and the kids are coming to swim today.  I'm taking husband to the pool as well.

Oh, I am so looking forward to next Monday.  Finally, see Dr A.  I have so many questions.

When talking with the scooter store people, they asked me his diagnosis, I gave it to them, then, there was a long pause on the other end of the line.  I knew they were looking at his birth date, doing the math, then, he said, "He has Alzheimer's Disease and he's only 47?"  I then had to go into my little speech about he family history and how rare it is.  I've done it so many times now, I've got it pretty well condensed.  Short and sweet and to the point.

"Wow", was this guy's response.  "I am so sorry.  How sad for all of you.  In all the years of doing this, I've never come across something like this.  Oh, wow."

Yeah, that's the usual response I get when I have to explain what's wrong with husband.  It leaves them, at times, speechless.

It's too bad I don't love shocking people.  If I did, I would just love my situation right about now.

I hate this.  I hate all of it.

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