Husband's last camping trip

Husband's last camping trip

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Holding steady

I start working, for 1 week, on Monday.  As mentioned before, I will be filling in at my old job.  The girl who replaced me is going on vacation.  I get to be in the corporate world for a week.  Looking forward to that.

Took husband for a drive yesterday.  To get him out of the house.  Dr A does not like all this sleeping he is doing.  He enjoyed it.  It was cloudy and so much cooler.

One thing about this Alzheimer's is, while husband cannot remember the here and now, he can remember his childhood.  So many places we drove by and he would have a story to tell me about.  It was not made up, he was not delusional, as he has told me these stories before, when he was well.

To me, it's rather strange and bizarre.

While you can't understand what he is saying, I've gotten used to it and, if I strain my ears, I can understand a lot of what he is saying.  People who aren't around him much cannot understand him anymore.

We are waiting for his Scooter Chair to be delivered any day now.  Dr A wants him permanently in the wheel chair.  Dr said to put the walker away, it's time for the wheel chair.

Husband is excited for the chair.  It will be harder to take him out, as I have no lift for this motorized scooter chair.  I will have to use the regular chair when we go out.  Seems a waste to only use the good wheel chair in the house, but, as usual, I will make do.

Husband had a rough night.  Jerking lasted through the night.  Mumbled a lot.  Kept me up for quite some time.

The weekend is here, but, our days are the same,  the only difference is my regular daytime shows are not on.  

I can smell Fall in the air.  After this hot summer, I am so ready for Fall.  My favorite time of the year.

Not much else going on.  We are declining at a much slower pace it seems, or, are we in a holding pattern?

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