Husband's last camping trip

Husband's last camping trip

Friday, May 11, 2012


EEG went well.  Of course we didn't get the results, they will be sent to Dr A.  We were at the hospital for about 2 1/2 hours.  While husband was sleeping during this EEG, I went to Starbucks, got an iced coffee, came back and read the newspaper they (hospital) provide.  Actually, read the entire paper.  Felt good to sit there and not have to talk, just sipping on my coffee and reading.  Oh yes, I remember those days.

They let me go with husband while they prepared him for the EEG.  As we were walking towards the room, the tech was chattering away with husband, asking him all kinds of questions.   He, of course, was nodding his head and I knew that was my cue to interrupt her to explain just what was wrong with husband.  I tapped her on the shoulder as she was pushing husband in his wheelchair.  I quietly said, "He doesn't understand you.  He has Alzheimer's.  If you need to ask him something, please ask me."  Oh dear, the look on her face.  Poor thing.

The tech started to put the electrodes on his head.  We were talking about everything.  Out of the blue, husband says, "Yeah, my legs may be weak, but my mind is as clear as a bell."  Silence.  You could hear a pin drop.  The tech looked at me, stunned, I winked at her and said, "Yeepp."  She started to chuckle, I started to chuckle and husband?  Why, he looked so proud of himself and smiled a great big smile, proud  that he had made a statement!!

I say "Yeepp" because we are big fans of Storage Wars.  I am hopelessly hooked on that show.  One of the bidders always says, "Yeepp" when he wants to up the cost of unit that is up for auction.  We get a kick out of this guy.

In our situation, you gotta find something to laugh about.  It's not all doom and gloom around here.  Of course, the tech didn't know what I meant when I said, "Yeepp", but, husband did, and that's what matters.

When I was driving home he said, "I remember you saying "Yeepp", did I dream it or did you say it?"

My answer?


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